“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free ” Luke 4:18

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About Song

The God kind of Life, truly expresses the nature of a believer (a man who believes in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ). He paved a way for us to see that whatever was a mystery, hidden for many years is revealed through Him – Christ.

However, to have a true meaning of this life you must recognize that it only takes you believing in Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today and forever!

As you listen, remember that all that’s in Christ is in ZOE and all that’s in ZOE is in YOU! ZOE – THE LIFE OF GOD!

Artist: Odunayo Adebayo
Genre: Gospel
Publisher: Odunayo Adebayo
Release Date: 30/06/2021

"I listen to this song everyday. A few nights ago I went to sleep while praying and repenting. I had been in a spiritual battle and was feeling very unworthy. When I woke up I heard, "The Spirit of Zoe is here." I had never heard of Zoe. I ran to the living room and looked it up on the TV on utube. I found this song and a lot of info on Zoe. This song blesses me and I know it will bless you too. Enjoy and may God bless you and keep you safe."

- Cindy

"I was literally dropping tears at the gym listening to these song. They called 911 on me thinking i was hurt. I was lost in the spirits at the gym. God just draw me closer to you and heal me of this long suffering of lower back pain. Show me mercy by the power of this song "

- Henry

"I already got soaked in this, it's not just music, it's deliverance, it's ascension, it's power, it's life, and it's a miracle. This is the communication of the will of God for humanity right from time. Please get the song on your device and soak often therein."

- Aaron

"First day of hearing this song today on the radio. What a blessing to me and mine. A day to my birthday, a birthday I have decided not to celebrate cos I felt I had nothing. This song has shown me I have ZOE. I have a thousand issues but I realised I have a million blessings. Zoe really lives in me. God bless you and inspire you think do more for his kingdom. "

- Bokee

"Never has there ever been a better definition of salvation - "This life that  I have is the life of God in me, this life that I have is the life of Christ." Not by works, but by grace are we saved. He lives in me! Hallelujah! "

- Ruth

"I'm here this morning cause I woke up with a troubled heart and the lyrics popped on my lips "I'm the image, of the living God, He gave me a priceless gift, the Holy ghost, through me God is revealed" immediately I waved all my troubles because so long as God is revealed through me... What should I worry about? My life is the life of Christ... Amen "

- Manuel
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